Packing Your Man Bag using ToteSavvy

Packing Your Man Bag using ToteSavvy

Father’s Day is here! I am so grateful that my husband is such a hands-on, fun loving father to our daughter. She lights up whenever he’s in the room and it’s so clear the she utterly adores him. My husband will take our daughter pretty much anywhere. They have, of course, been to fun places like the park or the beach, but he will also take her to Home Depot or the lumber yard. He can’t wait to take her to the driving range!

My husband and I have different preferences when it comes to what to pack when we’re out and about with our daughter. Now that my daughter is just over a year and a half, I prefer to use a purse with my ToteSavvy Mini and keep the bare minimum with me. I have a “home base” in my car with extra clothing, our Deluxe Changing Kit, and food, so I don’t need to carry that around with me every day. My husband, on the other hand, prefers to use the ToteSavvy original so that he can carry everything with him.


It’s really important for my husband to be well prepared, so he likes to load up the ToteSavvy pockets with the essentials as well as the “just in case” items. While I know some dads want their own diaper bag, my husband told me he didn’t want one and would just carry whatever I bought. I wanted something that went with my style - practical, unfussy, timeless, and stylish. Although it’s techhhnically a diaper bag, I bought this Marc by Marc Jacobs bag to use because it was very neutral and could be used for traveling after its diaper bag days were over. Although my husband would still carry a frilly and feminine diaper bag, I know he appreciates that this one is fairly gender neutral. I can also see my husband using this, this, or this bag.

Now, what exactly goes inside the tote when my husband takes it with him? He takes a complete spare outfit with him, typically one that is a little too big for my daughter (because nothing is worse than trying to squeeze your kid into something two sizes too small). He likes to pack a few diapers, wipes, and hand sanitizer. Our daughter has a large appetite so we always need to have plenty of snacks around. We love freeze dried fruit, Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies, or smoothies in a Squeasy Snacker. I just discovered Kind’s Pressed Bars and she loves them. Since they’re not marketed toward children, they are larger in size which works perfect for my daughter. My husband will take some water for her in a Munchkin 360 Cup, as well. He packs a book or two, and maybe a small toy. Although he carries his wallet and phone in his pockets, there’s room in the ToteSavvy for a water bottle and a snack for him. Even though this sounds like a lot of stuff, everything fits in the ToteSavvy and it all stays organized, which is really important to my husband.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads and father figures out there! Parenting is not an easy job, and we are so lucky to have you be along for the ride. Cheers to you!


dad bag diaper bag

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